farringdon row at night
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A good marker of a successful architectural façade is if it can make a visual impact during the night as well as the day.

We’re quickly approaching the end of daylight savings marking the beginning of shorter days and earlier evenings. In light of this, Maple have taken a look at which of our façades makes the biggest impact during the night as much as the day.
smithfield at night


In 2023, we installed nearly two hundred asymmetrical fins whose shape is inspired by the profile of a Spitfire aircraft in a subtle homage to its inventor who originated from Stoke. During the day, the façade provides a touching tribute to the city’s heritage, meanwhile in the evening the illuminated gold and silver fins are an eye-catching feature of the Stoke skyline.
 salford A2 at night


Similarly to Smithfield, Maple designed and supplied bespoke panels for Salford A2 car park which look amazing in the evening. Each of the aluminium panels were folded into kites that create a series of 3D hexagons across the car park’s elevations. The peculiar design of the panels means that once illuminated, their reflection of the light creates an impressive visual impact that also protects nearby accommodations from light pollution.

kao data park at night


We have spoken previously about how data centre architecture is evolving from basic, functional structures to architectural landmarks. However, if you’ve missed our informative discussion, click the link to read ‘From Function to Form, The Role of Façades in Data Centre Architecture.' Data centres’ progression from serviceable to aesthetical also means considering how the centre appears at night, particularly during the autumn and winter months.
At Kao Data Park, our Actua fins managed to strike that balance just right. In 2023, Maple installed an arrangement of aerofoil fins across the elevations of the new KLON-02 building. The colour of the fins offered a spectrum of green shades, varying from lime to dark green to provide the park with a fresh look. In the evening, the fins maintain their vibrancy creating an impressive spectacle and demonstrating that even data centres can make a visual impact at night.



SODA is one of our most impressive and innovative façades to date as its design incorporates LED lighting that can be programmed to project amazing displays. The project was the first of its kind for Maple, therefore close collaboration from the very early stages was vital to ensure success. We worked alongside specialist lighting designers to produce 3D renders and prototypes for approval by Fairhurst Design and Kier. The project even impressed the RIBA Awards judging panel as it received a RIBA North West Award thanks to it’s ‘unique’ design that was ‘delivered to a high standard’. It goes without saying that the innovative lighting effects of SODA mean it ranks very highly on our countdown of architectural façades at night.

farringdon row at night (1)


Farringdon Row’s unique perforated wave design and colourful light display have earned it the top spot on our list. Our façade project for Farringdon Row involved the design, supply and installation of nearly two thousand perforated panels that create the impression of waves across the car park’s elevations.
As if the car park wasn’t unique enough already, the development also uses controlled illumination to create a bright urban landmark and offer an impressive spectacle regardless of the season or the time of day. Furthermore, the car park has been ‘making waves’ in the construction awards circuit as it has been nominated for multiple accolades and even won ‘Best New Car Park’ at the British Parking Awards 2023. 


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