Maple achieve high standard for health and safe

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Maple Sunscreening have received SafeContractor accreditation for achieving excellence in health and safety in the workplace

The Stockport company met the rigorous standards required by Alcumus, an independent organisation that assesses the health and safety arrangements, policies and qualifications of contractors.
“We recognise that clients are looking for a unified standard to rate potential contractors even before they set foot on site,” said Maple’s HSEQ and Business Improvement Manager, Mark Simpson.
“SafeContractor accreditation will help us win new contracts and further enhance our reputation as a company that gives safety the highest priority – in our factory and on site, and among our own employees and everyone we come into contact with.”
Maple is a leading designer, manufacturer and installer of solar shading, weather protection and screening for building exteriors and interiors. Having reached the high standard, Maple will now be included on a database, which can be accessed by clients.
Gemma Archibald, Director of Alcumus SafeContractor said: "Major organisations simply cannot afford to run the risk of employing contractors who are not able to prove that they have sound health and safety policies in place.
"More companies need to understand the importance of adopting good risk management in the way that Maple have done. Their high standard has set an example which hopefully will be followed by other companies.”.


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