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We will be working alongside PAD Contracts on the hospital’s new £25m endoscopy unit. 

Maple’s latest contract win involves the installation of louvres for a new endoscopy unit at Princess Royal University Hospital which will include consultation, treatment and recovery rooms and training spaces for staff. The new facility was designed by Gilling Dod architects and, when completed, hopes to help up to 4,500 additional cancer patients to be treated each year.
Acoustic louvres will be fixed to the rooftop plantroom and will play an important role in the everyday functioning of the facility, as they effectively reduce noise pollution while still allowing airflow. Acoustic louvres work by being made from materials that absorb sound and use barriers to reduce transmissions and block sound waves. The positioning of the blades will also provide air to circulate the plantroom which will help keep machinery from overheating.
Our Contour VL Ventilation louvres will also be installed to help regulate indoor air quality by expelling stale air and allowing fresh air to circulate. To learn more about louvre systems read ‘What are the main types of louvre systems’ on our Knowledge Centre.
This isn’t the first time Maple’s louvres have been featured on a hospital facility; last year, the Contour SL system was installed onto a new energy centre at Royal Sussex County Hospital. In fact, this project and two other projects that featured Maple’s louvres, were nominated for the same award at the Constructing Excellence Awards 2024.
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