Does Maple have a HSEQ department?

The health and wellbeing of our staff, our clients and everyone we work with is our priority. That means ensuring the highest possible standards of health and safety in everything we do.

In a nutshell: 

  • Our priority is the health and wellbeing of our staff, clients and partners
  • We protect the environment, and develop products and processes that maximise quality and minimise risk
  • Our HSEQ department manages health, safety, sustainability and quality across all business activities
  • We comply with ISO-9001 (Quality), ISO-14001 (Environment) and ISO-45001 (Health and Safety) standards
  • Maple’s certifications include CHAS Premium Plus, Constructionline Gold, Achilles Building Confidence, Builder’s Profile, SSiP and PAS91 

However, health and safety is only one part of a broader commitment to promote responsible working practices that also protect the environment, and develop products and processes that maximise quality and minimise risk.

Managing this commitment is our Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) department, which is led by Maple’s HSEQ and Business Improvement Manager, Mark Simpson. He manages a company-wide strategy to HSEQ that goes beyond a moral and legal duty of care, and ensures that health, safety, sustainability and quality goes right through all our business activities.

  • Bringing together all HSEQ elements into a single integrated system that takes into account the latest management standards and legislation
  • Ensuring all activities comply with key international standards such as ISO-9001 (Quality), ISO-14001 (Environment) and ISO-45001 (Health and Safety)
  • Supporting a collaborative approach with our supply chain to ensure key suppliers continue to reflect our core values, and are capable of delivering HSEQ compliance
  • Continuing to promote best practice among staff to make HSEQ more visible and give everyone the means and the confidence to raise any issues

Maple’s HSEQ department also manages other widely recognised certifications, including CHAS Premium Plus, Constructionline Gold, Achilles Building Confidence, Builder’s Profile, SSiP and PAS91. These certifications provide customers with the knowledge that HSEQ at Maple is not only central to our operations but is also regularly independently assessed against the highest standards.

As an industry-leading supplier, Maple also ensures the quality of material, fabrication and delivery is of the highest standard and that safety is maintained during manufacture, delivery and installation.

Site safety is paramount, while raising awareness of mental health issues within the construction industry also remains a priority.

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