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Maple’s HSEQ statistics for 2023

Written by Amy Bradbury | 20/12/23 09:00

We’ve accumulated some of our proudest HSEQ statistics from the past year.

2023 has been a great year for Maple’s HSEQ department. Our incident frequency index was rated below four which is significantly lower than the industry average and we reached key milestones on our journey to carbon neutrality.

Below are some more of our 2023 highlights:

Firas Approved

This year Maple received the FIRAS certification which is a voluntary accreditation designed to improve the installation standards of passive and active fire systems. The FIRAS certification serves to assure clients and principal contractors with confidence that their chosen suppliers and installers are qualified to complete the work. To learn more about this achievement, take a look at our ‘Maple is FIRAS Approved’ article.


We have been recertified with zero non-conformances in the following ISO standards:

ISO-9001 is a worldwide recognised standard for quality management. It provides a framework for businesses which helps to improve performance, meet client expectations and display a commitment to quality.
ISO-14001 provides criteria that helps businesses to set up an effective environment management system which, in turn, assures both internal and external stakeholders of the organisation that environmental impact is being considered and measured.

ISO-45001 reduces the amount of workplace injuries, illnesses and incidents by enabling businesses to systematically assess hazards and implement risk control measures. Our compliance with this standard demonstrates that we have implemented ISO-45001 effectively and have a compliant occupational health and safety  management system in place.


2023 marked Maple’s fifth year running with no reportable incidents (RIDDOR's)  or Lost Time Injuries (LTI's).

According to the HSE, under the ‘Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013', reportable incidents include: death, injuries such as fractures and serious burns, non-fatal accidents to non-workers, occupational diseases and gas incidents.
RIDDORs are reportable incidents resulting in seven or more days absence from work and LTI’s are any period of absence from work due to an accident. It has been over 1,180 working days since Maple’s last LTI.


This year Maple has scored an incident frequency rate of 3.83 which is an impressive figure when compared to the industry average. This number is worked out in the same way as the accident frequency index: reported accidents multiplied by 100,000 and divided by the number of employee hours worked. The difference between this calculation and the safety index frequency is that the latter is a representation of the incidents that occurred that aren’t reportable to the HSE.

This measurement has been implemented by Maple as a means of continuous improvement. As we have not had a RIDDOR or an LTI for such a long time, this score provides us with an idea of how we can further improve our HSEQ.


The first Life- Cycle Assessments of our products in 2023 created independently verified Environmental Product Declaration documents which will be available from the beginning of 2024. LCA’s evaluate the environmental impact of buildings and EPDs outline the environmental performance/impact of materials during its lifetime.

EPDs provide carbon reporting data which helps architects, engineers and designers choose the most sustainable option for their project. It also enables manufacturers to use carbon transparency to market their products.

This accreditation was a great step forward in Maple’s projected plans to become a Net Carbon Zero company, keep a look out in 2024 as we address new legislation and roll out our improved sustainability strategy.

Congratulations to the Maple team on these impressive results and we look forward to seeing what new achievements 2024 brings.