How does the concept of 'right first time' improve safety in the façade industry?

‘Right first time’ is based on a very simple approach – do a task once and do it right.

In a nutshell:

  • ‘Right first time’ is about doing a task once – and doing it right
  • ‘Right first time’ reduces risks to safety from poor quality products and working practices
  • Getting it right involves the right information, the right tools and the right skills
  • The starting point for a ‘right first time’ approach is training
  • A positive approach to safety can be embedded in company culture – but so can poor working practices

The consequence of failure are equally simple. Delays and increased costs. But, more importantly, are the risks to safety from poor quality products and installations.

Façade companies have even more reason to adopt this quality culture, as the costs, hassle and risks are increased when working at height.

Getting it right involves three important things: right information, right tools and right skills.

  • Information includes drawings and specifications, but will involve risk assessments and method statements.
  • Tools covers everything from small tools to large machinery, software and handling equipment. But it also includes standard operating procedures to ensure their correct use.
  • Skills is people-based. Have operatives had proper training, and possess the right competencies? But it also goes further – to the overall company culture of people development.

Embedding a safety culture into a company starts with training... having the skills to recognise something is wrong before it has serious implications. But it also requires buy-in from the whole company – and clients. Are your people given the confidence to stop? Or do they feel under pressure to carry on regardless?

A clearly defined safety culture can reduce stressful situations.

And remember, poor working practices and a sloppy approach to safety can be embedded in a company culture too.

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