The golden thread maintains safety by providing crucial building information to the right people at the right time.

In a nutshell:
• The golden thread provides a timeline of a building's lifecycle and contains all the crucial information needed to maintain safety.
•It serves to promote a more collaborative approach by ensuring that the right people have the right information.
•The data is stored digitally and contains information such as design principles and materials used.
•The thread outlines clear responsibilities, and the Accountable Person coordinates the thread.
•The golden thread must be accessible to all those who need it and must also be kept up to date.
The golden thread is a core concept recommended by Dame Judith Hackitt in her report
‘Building a Safer Framework’ and forms a major part of the Building Safety Act 2022. The golden thread begins before the construction stage and continues throughout the building lifecycle to building management.
The golden thread of information includes details such as evidence that the building application has been approved at Gateway 2, records about any changes made throughout the construction changes as well as building safety features and management processes to ensure that they are effective.
The purpose of the golden thread is to promote a transparent and collaborative culture of construction by ensuring that the right people have the right information when they need it.
The key elements to take away about the golden thread are:
Crucial building information must be stored digitally to enable easy access and amendments. Digital information includes detailed records of how the building was designed, constructed, and maintained, covering everything from materials used to fire safety systems. In terms of managing this information, data should be structured effectively and securely to maintain confidentiality and data protection.
The golden thread assigns clear responsibilities to those who manage the building or carry out work on it. Building owners, designers, and contractors are required to provide and maintain information and the Principle Accountable Person is responsible for ensuring that the golden thread is up-to-date and accessible.
Relevant stakeholders, including residents, building managers, regulators, and safety professionals, must have appropriate access to this information, ensuring transparency and quick reference in the event of safety concerns. Those responsible for the building (Accountable Person) must also be able to give access to those who need it.
Up-To-Date Information
As the data is accessible to everyone involved in the development, the digital information must be updated with any changes or updates to maximise accuracy and therefore safety. Furthermore, information should be checked periodically by effective change control processes.